Sunday, 30 January 2011

43things: Swim 1km without stopping

Image from

I have to keep pinching myself in order to believe I actually achieved this goal. And so quickly too.

Honestly I don’t know how it happened. I’ve been to the pool about
1-2 times per week for the last few weeks. Prior to Tuesday, the most I had swum without a quick break at the end of a lap was 200m.

Somehow on Tuesday it happened. I was aiming for
300m (6 laps). I was still feeling good after 6, so thought I would be ambitious and aim for 10. By 10 I was still ok so aimed for 12, then 15…By the time I reached 16 I was determined to make the 20, so I did.

It was more by accident than any specific traning or pre-planning. Maybe it had something to do with not having done any other exercise for
48 hours beforehand, so my arms and shoulders were fresh.

As exciting as that was, it’s a bit scary. I’ve raised the bar now.

Today I’m a bit tired, a bit hungover, and a bit sore from a training session I had yesterday. However its
35 degrees and I need to cool down. I’m about to head to the pool. I’m afraid I won’t be able to swim 6, let alone 20 laps without stopping, which will make me a fraud.

But even if I do stop and take breaks, I know I’ll get to
1km. I don’t always have to swim without stopping, just because I have before. Sometimes I’ll want to have a drink. Sometimes my goggles will leak or fog up. Sometimes I’ll be lazy and hungover.

And while it’s not perfect, I have to remind myself it’s ok. Just making the effort and getting out there and doing it is a great thing!

See more progress on: Swim 1km without stopping

Thursday, 20 January 2011

43things: Get a bike and start bike riding

I'm finally marking this goal as done! I’ve had my bike for over a year now. I’m by no means an expert cyclist and in that time I wouldn’t say its gotten the biggest workout ever, but I am using it!

New bike
The day I bought my bike!

In the last week alone I have ridden to:

  • Port Melbourneto meet friends for dinner & drinks
  • Step into Life class
  • Sandringham beach and back with friends for a swim

I don’t know if I’ll ever be an everyday communter. That will probably depend more on proximity to work and shifts, but I’m enjoying what I’m doing for now. I already have dreams of other bikes I’d like to get – cruiser, racer, vintage road bike…..but that’s a story for another time and place!

Bay ride

Me on a recent ride taking a cheesy self-portrait

Sunday, 9 January 2011


Hurrah! Some of the uncertainty that hovered around during my last post has now been resolved.

NYE 2010

I finally bit the bullet and made some long awaited decisions regarding 2011. I'm staying in Melbourne and just doing casual work. No specialisation. No exams. No contracts. No job security. Actually I'm hoping the casual work will find me not only in Melbourne, but country Victoria, the Gong and maybe even country NSW too.

Lest I celebrate too soon, there's still lots of things I need to do to make this a workable reality. My current work contract runs out in 4 weeks. In that time I need to solidify some of the nebulous options that hover in the wings. I need to sign up with at least one locum agency. Most importantly I need to line up some definite work for February. Bills to pay baby.

A big wide open horizon can be scary. But amazing possibilities!

Bells beach