Monday 29 March 2010

First cold night

In a few months time I might be regretting ever saying this, but Saturday night I was a bit excited that it had finally cooled down enough to wear both boots and a jacket out to dinner.

I'm officially in love with this Boden dress, after having some initial doubts when I first received it. I love its breeziness. And the light material worked well with the leather jacket and boots.

First cold night

The only thing I had to think twice about was tights/boots combination. It's hard to tell from the picture as it's so dark, but I'm wearing dark blue tights, which I think looked good continuing on from the blue pattern in the dress. However when I tried adding grey boots into the mix, the blue and grey together just didn't look right to my eye. I don't know if my instincts were right, or if I'd have gotten used to it over the course of the evening. Maybe I'll have to try it again some other time.

First cold night

Doesn't my hair look all over the place? I think 6 months is officially too long to be without a haircut, so I'll have to remedy that soon.

And here's a bonus outfit from a few weeks ago featuring another light and breezy clothing item: a tunic top from H&M in Beijing. It kind of hurts my eyes looking at the pattern in this picture. Hope it doesn't have the same effect on others when I'm actually wearing it!

H&M tunic


Theresa said...

Wow Tam I just LOVE that dress outfit! The dress is cute as, but paired with the boots and jacket its great. Gosh I can't wait til it cools down up here now - you have me inspired :D

The other top doesn't hurt my eyes at all - but it looks comfy.

yublocka said...

Thanks Theresa. I'm officially in love with the dress too. It feels very me :)

The other top is very comfy. Too roomy perhaps, but good for a hot summers day!!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I love both outfits! The dress looks spectacular and I love the top!

yublocka said...

Thanks whenlifehandsyouapear!!!

littlemusictree said...

Wow - both outfits look fab! Nice combining :-)

yublocka said...

Thanks littlemusictree!!

littlemusictree said...

You're welcome! The floaty hotchpotch is one of my favourite Boden dresses, and I love the way it looks with your jacket :)